Alberta's one-stop diabetes shop.

The easiest place to manage your Insulin Pump Therapy anywhere in Alberta.

Five star review

"This is definitely a 5 star business. All of the staff are of the highest professional quality. Jennifer has been my diabetes coordinator for sometime. I can't say enough on how much she has helped me."

David L.

Richmond Square client

Live your best life with personalized insulin pump training

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Shop affordably with our diabetic supplies partner
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Resupplying can be a nightmare. Retailers don’t know what you need, others don't get it to you fast enough and some just flat out rip you off.

Not here. We've partnered with Berta Betes to offer super-simple, always-reliable IPT supplies that will transform the way you manage your diabetes.

Say hi to great prices, friendly faces and lightning-quick shipping.

Visit Berta Betes